CES Writing Protocols
Supporting materials and documents can be found in the documents and forms section of the website or linked below. The lectures are on YouTube and embedded below. Download links are at the bottom of the page.

A Required Writing Class: CES Writing Protocols

The leadership of CES believes that part of a solid Christian education is learning how to write well.
Under the subheading, The Importance of English Grammar and Syntax, in the chapter titled, "Clearing the Cobwebs from My Mental Attic," J. P. Moreland argues that: . . . language development is critical for cultivating a careful, precise, attentive mind. Most people today do not use good grammar or syntax in sentence construction. . . . The devaluation of grammar correlates closely with a devaluation of the mind, truth, and thought. When a main purpose of a language is the careful, precise expression of thought, grammar and syntax become critical because they make such expression of thought possible. If we Christians are to develop our minds, we must take greater care to improve our syntax and grammar, and we must expect this from each other. From years of experience grading student papers, I can tell you that if a student's grammar is poor, he or she has a difficult time developing a coherent line of thought clearly and carefully (Love Your God with All Your Mind. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1997, p. 112).

Every school has its particular requirements for academic writing, and to be successful in their classes, students must know what those requirements are. Over the years, we have determined that a course in academic writing should be required for all students, regardless of their degree level. This class can be taken at anytime during the program but students must complete this class before they begin their thesis or dissertation. The primary materials (audio lectures and PDF notes) for this class are available on the Documents and Forms section of the website.

Mandatory for all students (regardless of degree level). It covers the basics of writing and academic style.

WP-300 - 4SH or 2SH (for undergraduates)

WP-500 - 4SH or 2SH (for Master's level students)

WP-700 - 4SH or 2SH (for Doctoral students)

Required resources:

Audio Lectures & Writing Protocols Lecture Notes, by Rick Walston.
A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
, by Kate L. Turabian.
Working With Words: A Handbook for Media Writers and Editors
, by Brian S. Brooks, James L. Pinson, Jean Gaddy Wilson.

For Credit or Audit

Students may take the CES WRITING PROTOCOLS class for credit, or they may audit it.

1.        For credit: Students will gain the most information and learning from this option. In fact, students may take this class more than one time for credit. When they do, of course, they shall incorporate other texts and research materials so that are not simply duplicating the initial class.

2.        For Audit: Students may take this class as an audit. In this case, they will list the class on their Learning Contracts, but they will list it as an audited class. There is a flat fee of $200 to audit this class, and the student still must pass the final exam. No credit is given for an audit.

3.        Exam Retake Fee: Students must pass this exam with a "C+" or higher. Should the student receive a grade lower than a "C+," he/she must retake the exam within 45 days, and there is a $50 fee for all Exam Retakes.
Writing Protocols, Lecture #1

Writing Protocols, Lecture #2

Writing Protocols, Lecture #3

Writing Protocols, Lecture #4

Writing Protocols, Lecture #5

CES Writing Protocols is typically a pre-requisite for other courses.
Writing Protocols
WP Syllabus
Vocabulary of Grammatical Terms
Sample of Free-Style Paper
Sample of Academic-Style Paper
WP Lecture #1 Class Materials
WP Lecture #2 Class Materials
WP Lecture #3 Class Materials
WP Lecture #4 Class Materials
WP Lecture #5 Class Materials